Setting up an online store using ready shopetet templates

good day
I am planning to create an online store on shoptet. I got a one-month trial period first. But considering that my mother tongue was not Slovak, I made 80% progress. So I preferred to get help from someone to set it up.
I have product information in English, but there are two stores in Slovakia that sell my product.


The specifications of my product are the same as their product,
The total number of my products is 8 items (but with different sizes and numbers), which I think will be about 45 items in total.
I want to use the samba theme. (Do you think it’s good? What do you think?
Also, I want to use the basic program on shoptet.
I wanted to know how much you cost for this work.
please give me the best possible price.
best regards
m- totonchian

m- t.
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